
数値演算の練習用に作ってみました。 (CORE GENERATOR に掛け算器あります)


緒言 レジスタ名 タイプ名 説明
入力レジスタ  MUL_A: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); 12bitの整数値 
MUL_B: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 8bitの整数値 
出力レジスタ  MUL_out: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); 20bitの整数値 
コントロールフラグ  load_MUL: std_logic; レジスタへのデータロードを行う。 
cls_MUL: std_logic; fin_MULフラグをリセットする。 
fin_MUL: std_logic; 掛け算プロセスの終了を示す。 
内部レジスタ  MUL_count: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 掛け算プロセス用のステップを管理する。 


signal	MUL_A: 	std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal	MUL_B: 	std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
signal	MUL_out: 	std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
signal	load_MUL:	std_logic;
signal	cls_MUL:	std_logic;
signal	fin_MUL:	std_logic;
signal 	mul_count : 	std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

MUL_A <="12bitの整数";
MUL_B <="8bitの整数";
cls_MUL <='0';
load_MUL <='1'; 

if fin_MUL ='1' and load_MUL='1' then
"回答用logic_vector"<= MUL_out; 
flag <='1';     -- 逐次的に処理がしたい場合は、
cls_MUL <='1';
end if; 

if reset ='0' then
busy_MUL <='0';
fin_MUL <='0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
        if load_MUL='1' and fin_MUL='0' then    
                if busy_MUL = '0' then  
                MUL_count <="0000";
                MUL_out  <="00000000000000000000";
                busy_MUL <= '1';
                elsif fin_MUL ='0' and MUL_count <= "1001" then
                MUL_count <= MUL_count + 1;
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0001" and MUL_B(0) ='1' then
                MUL_out(12 downto 0) <= ('0' & MUL_out(11 downto 0)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0010" and MUL_B(1)='1' then
                MUL_out(13 downto 1) <= ('0' & MUL_out(12 downto 1)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0011" and MUL_B(2)='1' then
                MUL_out(14 downto 2) <= ('0' & MUL_out(13 downto 2)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0100" and MUL_B(3)='1' then
                MUL_out(15 downto 3) <= ('0' & MUL_out(14 downto 3)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0101" and MUL_B(4)='1' then
                MUL_out(16 downto 4) <= ('0' & MUL_out(15 downto 4)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0110" and MUL_B(5)='1' then
                MUL_out(17 downto 5) <= ('0' & MUL_out(16 downto 5)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "0111" and MUL_B(6)='1' then
                MUL_out(18 downto 6) <= ('0' & MUL_out(17 downto 6)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "1000" and MUL_B(7)='1' then
                MUL_out(19  downto 7)<= ('0' & MUL_out(18 downto 7)) + ('0' & MUL_A);
                end if;

                if MUL_count = "1001" and busy_MUL ='1' then
                busy_MUL <='0';
                fin_MUL <='1';
                end if;
        end if;
        if cls_MUL = '1' then
        fin_MUL <= '0';
        end if;
end if;
end process;

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